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Oxygen Medicine Nutrition:

Diabetes Bye-Bye:

A Novel and Practical Therapy That Works To Stop Diabetes


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Diabetes Bye-Bye:

A Novel and Practical Therapy That Works To Stop Diabetes


James Maxwell



“When the acidity is in the pancreas, diabetes is the result.”  (Pg 23).”
From the book, “The pH miracle for Diabetesby Dr. Robert O. Young, MD, Microbiologist 






Before We Begin:

Penicillin (our first antibiotic) was discovered in 1893. But it was not used until 1943, when the many medical emergencies of WWII caused it to be tried. So how was it that we were denied the use of this fantastic medicine for 50 years? How many people were in pain or died unnecessarily during those 50 years who could have been cared for with antibiotics?

The answer to why it was not used for 50 years is that it took 50 years for the mainstream medical establishment to begin to believe that it worked. It took 50 years for this new knowledge to work itself through the medical system.

It is important to remember this story about penicillin as you read this booklet. For we believe that the information in this booklet is also 50 years ahead of its time. The mainstream medical establishment is just now beginning to ponder on the possibility that diabetes is caused by body acidity. It doesn’t even begin to state what may be causing diabetes symptoms or how to properly care for them.

We don’t have 50 years to wait for their enlightenment. So plunge in, read this booklet and get 50 years (at least) ahead of the system.






Chapter 1:  Background and Overview

(Our Message In a Nutshell)


My friend had mellitus diabetes. I was disposed to having diabetes. So I took up the challenge of learning about diabetes.


I have an avid interest in holistic medicine and natural healing. So for years I have read everything that I could find about type 1 and type 2 diabetess. I tried numerous remedies. Then I hit pay dirt. I found the "magic bullet" that cured my friend’s diabetes. As with many great truths, the secret of how he cured his mellitus diabetes is very simple. Once you read and understand our discovery, you will understand that it will probably cure your diabetes too.


But first I have to explain some basic things about how your body works. Each individual cell of your body is an independent organism. It needs to be fed oxygen and food in order to live and prosper, and it also produces waste products that have to be removed from the cell for it to remain healthy. It is the job of your blood to care for these functions. Your blood carries fresh oxygen and food to each cell of your body, and then having completed this task, it picks up the waste products (also called toxins) from the cell.


These waste products are carried by the blood to your kidneys or to the walls of your intestines. There the waste products (toxins) are passed processed by your kidneys to be disposed of in your urine, or are passed through the walls of the intestine, to be excreted from your body along with your body’s food waste products.


That is how it is supposed to work, and that is how it works for most of us during our younger years. But as we age, things begin to change.





Your Body's pH Balance

Now let’s talk about your body’s acid/alkaline balance (also know as pH). Every farmer and agronomist knows how to care for plants. They will tell you that plants grow best in soils that have the proper pH for that plant. That is because every organism has a range of alkalinity/acidity in which it will prosper. Outside of that range of pH, the organism dies or is greatly stressed just to survive. Thus it is that corn will not grow well in soil that is too alkaline, and carrots will not grow well in soil that is too acidic.


Our bodies are the same. There is a range of acidity/alkalinity for our bodies in which they function perfectly. But should the body’s acidity/alkalinity balance fall outside of this range, the body becomes stressed, its ability to function properly becomes decreased, and eventually this stressed condition will lead to disease symptoms or to a degenerative disease that may eventually cause death.


We fail to properly care for our bodies. In today’s world, there is a strong tendency for our bodies to become too acidic. That is because we eat too much acidic food. Red meats are highly acidic, as is soda pop, most processed food, and fried foods. Even carbohydrates and sugars turn acidic during the digestion process.






How many years has it been since my high school physics teacher soaked a dried chicken leg bone in a glass of coca cola?


Within an hour the bone could be tied into a knot because of the acidity of the cola. But we tend to ignore all this. Thus it is that our bodies slowly tend to become acidic. It is a slow process, and we don’t notice the symptoms as they slowly develop. That is okay when we are in our twenties and thirties. But by the time we reach our forties, fifties and sixties, the accumulated effect of eating too much acidic food begins to show up as pain symptoms, and our bodies have become dangerously acidic.


Lets talk specifics here. At a pH of 7.2, the body is in perfect pH balance, neither too acidic or too alkaline. A pH range of 7.0 to 7.5 is the acceptable range for a body to be in good health. When the pH drops to between 6.5 and 7.0, the body is beginning to get stressed and fatigue and a feeling of pain or lethargy begins to set in.


When the pH drops to between 6.0 and 6.5, the body is beginning to become seriously acidic, and it is probably developing one or more of the 150 specific degenerative disease symptoms or pains that are associated with an acetic condition. Then when your pH gets to between 6.0 and 5.5, you are in serious trouble, your energy levels are shot, and a degenerative disease or pain of some sort is upon you.


When I discovered this very simple but crucial bit of information, I checked my pH. It was 5.5. No wonder I was having pain and needing care and treatment for health problems!






How Diabetes Begins

Now lets talk about how this situation leads to diabetes. Okay, you have led a good life, used moderation in most things, and have good health. But gradually, unknown to you, your acidity has slowly, over the years, increased. As your acidity has increased, your body has experienced several reactions to this changed condition. Symptoms of fatigue and tiredness have set in.


But also, the acidic condition of your blood now affects its ability to properly care for your body. It can no longer perform a function that it used to perform with ease. The ability of your stressed blood to carry food and oxygen to the body’s cells, and its ability to carry away the waste products from the cells is lessened.


Your blood, now unable to easily perform these functions, becomes overloaded with waste products (toxins) that it cannot easily dispose of. So it looks for other ways to dispose of the waste products. Some of them it stores in your fat deposits. Others it stores as deposits in the linings of your veins and arteries. And others it deposits in places in your body that are the weakest. For example, if the overall energy level of your liver (just as an example) is lower than the energy levels in the rest of your body, this is where the blood will deposit its waste toxins.

Just for a minute, imagine that you are a blood cell in your body. You are carrying a load of waste that you have removed from body cells. You know that those cells are now waiting for you to return with a load of oxygen and nourishment (food). Should you not return, those body cells will stress, weaken, and even eventually die. So you have a bit of anxiety and focus about your present mission of unloading the full load of cell waste that you are carrying. But you cannot find anywhere to unload the waste that you are carrying. Normally the kidneys or intestines process this waste material. But now the kidneys are overloaded and are rejecting any more material to process. The intestine walls are blocked. So you must look elsewhere.


This is a tough situation. There are no easy solutions. You must dump your load of waste toxins somewhere else. But somewhere else may damage the body. What to do? Where to dump? At this point your body’s interior intelligence guides you to an alternative dumping spot. This may be an exposed bone joint. If you dump your load of waste here you will be contributing to your body eventually developing arthritis. It may be body fat where you are directed to dump your load. If so, you will be contributing to your body eventually becoming obese. It may be the pancreas where you are directed to dump your load. If so, you will be contributing to your body eventually becoming diabetic.






This is how it works.


I do not yet understand how the body determines where to store waste toxins that cannot be removed through normal elimination methods. I am not sure that any medical establishment researchers know this either. But somehow the subconscious intelligence system (subconscious mind) of the body makes a decision. Some think that the body picks the weakest part of the body as the dumping ground. Perhaps this is because there is less likelihood of the body’s immune system rejecting the waste toxins in a place in the body that is weakest.


So, in short, if you have allowed your body to stress (and we all have) some parts of your body will be weaker than others. And this is where toxins will be stored. If your pancreas is the weakest part of your body, toxins will be stored in your pancreas, which leads to your pancreas being acidic (a low pH). An acidic pancreas leads to diabetes!



So as Dr. Robert Young MD says,
“When the acidity is in the pancreas, diabetes is the result.”



So, as I have outlined here, your diabetes is in actuality caused by a long-term over-acidity in your body. Once I realized this, I began to look for a direct and simple care and treatment to change my pH balance (acidy/alkalinity) back to a healthy range. Eventually I found a blend of mineral compounds and herbs that gave me pain relief, leading to total symptoms reversal, and they will probably do it for you.



After my friend began treatment, his recovery from diabetes was dramatic.



Within 10 weeks of treatment his pH had gone from 5.5 to 6.8. Not only did his diabetes symptoms begin to disappear, he also regained much of his prior energy and zest for life. Now his acidity levels are in the healthy range, and it is easy for him to keep them that way. What he especially liked is that no draconian diet changes were necessary. 


One indicator that your diabetes is going away is that your urine will begin to have a strange odor. The odor is not unpleasant, it is just different, and it is good news that you are on your way back to better health! This smell is the odor of the dissolving deposits that are being removed from your body.






Chapter 2:  The Problem With Dieting

There have been many shifts in healing beliefs in the last twenty years. One of these shifts is the gradual but persistent growth in the understanding that diet and nutrition are vitally important in maintaining good health and conquering many illnesses.


Now, if you peruse the available information on natural or alternative medicine approaches and therapies, you will be bombarded with a plethora of guidance about proper foods to eat, recommended diets, etc

Likewise, when many diabetes experts counsel you about your illness, they will point out the acidity-diabetes connection. They will recommend/suggest what is usually a very rigid and strict diet. Basically, they will tell you not to eat acidic foods (red meat) and to only eat vegetables and fruits (alkaline foods).


The idea is that an all-alkaline diet will cause the acidity in your body to lessen enough for the conditions in your body that caused the diabetes to reverse themselves, thus reducing the symptoms of the diabetes. What they will suggest to you is a diet approach such as the following:


Alkalizing With Food

Your diet should consist of an 80/20 balance: eighty percent of your food should be an alkaline food, and 20% of your food should be an acidic food. This balance will eventually affect your acid/alkaline balance, raising your pH to an acceptable level.



A List of Alkaline Foods is as follows:

Vegetables: asparagus, watercress, fermented vegetables(sauerkraut, etc.), beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard, onions, parsnips, peas, peppers, pumpkin, spirulina, sprouts, squash, alfalfa, wild greens and nightshade vegetables.


Fruits: apple, apricot, avocado, banana, cantaloupe, cherries, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, lime, honeydew melon, oranges, lemon, peach, pear, pineapple, berries, tomato, watermelon, and all tropical fruits.


Protein: almonds, chestnuts, chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, tofu, and yogurt.






A List of the Acidic Foods that you must avoid is:

Protein: beef, fish, clams, shellfish, crustaceans (lobster and shrimp), turkey, and venison.
Fats and Oils:  All salad and cooking oils, olive oil, and lard.

Grains:  All breakfast cereal grains (wheat, barley, corn), all bread, oats, rice, and rye.

Nuts and Butters:  All nuts and peanut butter.

Beans and Legumes:  All beans, peas and soy.

Dairy:  Cheese, milk and butter.

Beverages: Beer, distilled water, liquor, and wine.

Fruit and Vegetables: Blueberries, glazed or canned fruits, cranberries, plums, prunes, corn, olives, potatoes, and winter squash.






Are They Crazy or What?

If you are like me, when you reviewed this above list of forbidden foods (acidic foods), you thought to yourself, “I would rather be dead than follow this diet!”. Yes, the above type of alkalizing diet is too stringent for most of us. So what else can we do?


Well that is the purpose of this booklet; to explain to you a much simpler way to reduce the acid levels in your body down to a healthy level.






Chapter 3:  More About Acids in Your Body

The concept that an acid/alkaline imbalance in the body is a major cause of disease isn’t new. Remember Edgar Cayce, the famous sleeping prophet from back in the 1930s and 1940s? He often suggested body detoxification, colonics, fasting, massage, steam baths and alkalizing the body by diet modification (see our addendum). He also on occasion recommended ingesting baking soda as a remedy for diabetes.


Back in 1933 Dr. William Howard published a breakthrough book titled A New Health Era in which he postulated that self-poisoning by acid accumulation in the body was a major cause all many illnesses. He stated, “We depart from health in the proportion to which we have allowed our alkalis to be dissipated by the introduction of too much acid forming food. It may seem strange to say, but all disease is the same thing, no matter what its form of expression, but it is so.”


As we presently live, very few of us can rid our bodies of all the acids that we create from stress, foods, and our metabolisms. These acid wastes move around the body via the blood and lymphatic system until they reach our kidneys. Our kidneys are many times overloaded with toxin accumulation, so that they cannot process the new waste. Our blood and lymphatic fluid, unable to dispose of the acid waste in the kidneys, seeks an alternative way to get rid of the waste.


They must do this so that they can resume their main job of carrying oxygen and nutrients t the cells of the body. So the blood and lymphatic fluid take an alternate route; they dispose of the acid waste by dumping it into our fat or bone joints (the resulting deposits thus causing arthritis), or in other body areas, sometimes the pancreas.






Harmful Effects of Acid

Acid coagulates blood. Also blood has problems flowing around fatty acids, and thus tends to clump. Capillaries then clog up and die. The skin, deprived of life-giving blood, loses elasticity and begins to wrinkle. We begin to look old.

It is not only your skin. Without a proper acid/alkaline balance, every part of the body works harder to maintain health. All systems (lungs, organs, skin, etc.) work to and depend on the maintenance of a correct blood pH. Your organs and cells are totally subservient to your blood and the blood acid level (pH).


All organs work to keep your blood at a balanced pH, to the point where your body is willing to inflict major damages on other parts of your body that stand in the way of a correct blood pH. In other words, your body will damage itself in order to keep a proper blood pH. This is because if the blood pH strays out of a very narrow range, you will die.






The Proper PH Level:

If your blood pH dips from its optimal pH of 7.2 down to say, 7.0, YOU WILL DIE. Yes, you will die. The proper blood pH is that critical! So your body knows what it doing when it disposes of acid wastes in a manner that eventually causes you diabetes and pain. Better diabetes than death.


One of the reasons that you get a charge from drinking a cola (pH of 2.5, very acidic) is that this acidity sets off alarm bells all over your body. The resulting surge of adrenaline gives you the rush that you get from the cola. Alkaline chemicals that are stored in your body rush to neutralize the acids. This deprives the rest of your body of these alkalizing chemicals (such as calcium in your bones).


The “high” that you got from drinking that cola is no different from the “high” a drug user gets as he experiences his artificial sensory elevation. The high is your body screaming for help, and not knowing the difference, you enjoy the feeling. It is not just the cola that causes such effect. Most of us already have a running battle within our body as our body struggles to deal with and counteract the effects of too much acid-causing foods, and acid-causing stress in our system.



About Stress:

Of all the acidifying factors, stress is the greatest. Stress can neutralize and acidify an alkaline diet with just one surge of adrenaline. This is important. We can show you how to reduce the acid levels in your body to a healthy level, but you must also work hard to keep the stress low in your life. If there is unavoidable stress, learn to control it or to channel it so that its effect on you is minimized.



Long Term Effects of Acidity

We have 60,000 miles of veins and arteries in our bodies. Acids eat into and corrode these veins and arteries. If left unchecked, it eventually interrupts or damages all cellular activity and function, to even include the beating of our heart to the nerve functions within our brain.

In summary, over-acidity damages life itself, leading to all forms of sickness and disease, as well as general symptoms of aging. As you are probably beginning to realize, this story is just not about diabetes and how to cure it, it is also about explaining to you one of the principal causes of disease and aging, and telling you how to correct the matter.


This is powerful stuff.


If you are like us, you will eventually thank your diabetes for having opened up your knowledge and awareness so that you can maintain a much healthier body and lead a much longer and healthier life. Without good health, we have nothing!


In his book, Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, MD states, “Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in the car. It just grinds to a halt one day and dies. There you are-stuck. The body also does the same thing. It starts painfully creaking to a stop along the byways of life and you find yourself in some kind of discomfort. I watch with great concern as people of all classes and lifestyles suffer from this excess.”


He attributes 68 major health conditions (including diabetes, of course) to acidic conditions in the body. His book is great to read, and I highly recommend it.






Chapter 4: All About Alkalinity and Blood


Your blood is meant to always be slightly alkaline. It must be slightly alkaline in order to maintain resistance to decay and the possible growth of bad or harmful organisms that can grow in an acidic environment. Therefore the blood has a very narrow range of pH in which it can operate. As we have previously (somewhat dramatically, for effect!) stated, if your blood gets outside of this acceptable range of pH, you will die.


The absolutely perfect pH level of your blood is 7.365. The pH level is that exact.

If the blood gets slightly outside this pH level, results will be felt in every part of your body. Harmful and poisoning organisms that can grow and multiply in an acidic environment begin to do so. They take on the function of aggressive, parasitic and pathogenic agents (a hint here for candida suffers of why you have a yeast infection in your body that does not go away).


Scientists and researchers can use a dark field microscope to see the changes in the blood that take place as blood acidity increases. They watch the repetitive pattern unfolding as disease organisms proliferate and grow, and they document the ensuing debilitation of the body that, if left unchecked, will eventually kill us, one way or another.


The Power of pH

The pH scale is logarithmic. This means that each pH value is ten times higher than the previous number. For example, if your pH goes from 7 to 6, it means that your body is ten times more acidic. This is very important to understand as you begin to monitor your blood acidity levels.

 Your goal should be to maintain a body pH level of somewhere around 7. I am able to eat whatever I want and still maintain a pH level of from 6.6 to 7.0 by using the practices that this book will explain. This keeps me happy, I feel great, and I live with the knowledge that many diseases, such as cancer, etc, will have a hard time living in my body. All this, in addition to the fact that my diabetes has gone away!

A glass of cola has a pH of 2.5 (very acidic). It is approximately 50,000 times more acidic than a glass of water! One of the active ingredients in cola is phosphoric acid. Not to beat up too much on colas, but when I was in a high school science class (a long time ago), my teacher conducted an experiment. He placed a dried-out chicken drumstick bone in a container of cola. After only 30 minutes he removed the previously dried out and rigid chicken leg bone from the cola, and he then tied it into a knot.


The cola had softened the bone that much!


All this to demonstrate to us the acidity of colas. I guess that I wasn’t too impressed, because I kept right on drinking colas until just a few years ago when my diabetes caused me to wise up in this matter. Now I drink bottled iced tea from the vending machines.


I consider a body pH level of 7.0 to be good. Conversely, if your blood pH level dropped to 7.0 you would die. It would mean that your blood (with an ideal level of pH 7.365) had become almost four times too acidic. You would then die from blood poisoning. All this is to explain to you that the rest of your body is totally committed to maintaining your blood at the correct pH, and the rest of your body will sacrifice itself totally (including giving itself diabetes) in order to protect the pH level of your blood.


I hope that I have explained this satisfactorily. Whereas your body can and does function at a wide range of  pH (basically from 7.2 to 5.5), your blood does not. Your body knows this, and does everything possible to protect the blood pH. This protection includes sacrificing other body functions and parts in order to protect the blood. So your diabetes is part of your body’s efforts to protect the pH level of your blood. Your body, believe it or not, knew what it was doing when it gave you diabetes!






The Alkalinity and Parasite Connection

As we have explained, acidity in your body permits disease organisms to grow and thrive. This includes simple germs, yeasts, fungi, viruses and molds. These microorganisms all produce excretions (excrement). These excretions are toxic to your body. The organisms not only eat glucose, fats and protein from our bodies, they also poison our bodies with the resulting excretions. In short, they take our food and turn it into poison.

Again, the symptoms of this parasite poisoning may not be patently obvious, but they are there. They manifest as the gradual weakening of our bodies that we otherwise attribute to aging, tiredness, overwork, etc.


It is kind of like when a lumberjack cuts down a big tree with his axe. It takes many whacks from the axe before the tree falls, each small whack removing a tiny portion of the tree. But the tree does eventually fall, the cumulative effects of the many small whacks taking their effect. Well, consider the parasite poisoning in your body as one of those small whacks. Watch out, or eventually you will also, as did the big tree, fall and die. Get rid of those parasites now by balancing the pH levels in your body. Get rid of your acidity!






Alkalinity and Minerals

As you know, minerals are essential to your health. Properly assimilating the minerals into your body is also important. Many of you have read how much of the nutritive value of the mineral supplements that we take is lost to us because our bodies do not properly assimilate the minerals in their supplement form.


Each mineral has its own special “signature” pH level that it needs in order to be assimilated into your body. This is critical to understand. I repeat: each mineral has its own special “signature” pH level that it needs in order to be assimilated into your body.

Every chemistry classroom has a chart of periodic elements, including all minerals. Those minerals at the lower end are capable of being assimilated in the body over a broader range of body pH. Those higher on the chart require a much narrower range of pH in order to be assimilated. In short, if your body is too acidic your body will simply reject many minerals that are critical to your health.


One example of why this is important: Look at iodine. It is high on the periodic scale, and therefore requires almost perfect pH levels in the body in order to be assimilated. Iodine is required for a healthy thyroid. If our body is too acidic, the thyroid will receive insufficient iodine, and thus cannot perform properly.


A malfunctioning thyroid is connected to diabetes, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks depression, fatigue and obesity. Yet few of us are able to connect the dots and recognize that these illnesses are caused by your malfunctioning thyroid, which is caused by overacidity. Interesting, is it not? Tragic, is it not?


This mineral assimilation situation is made worse because our agricultural lands have become mineral depleted. Overuse of chemical fertilizers (that only provide three of the eighty-two necessary minerals and trace elements) and overuse of insecticides and pesticides have caused our soils to not provide our fruits and vegetables with the minerals that we need.


It has been shown that today’s vegetables only provide 25% of the mineral nutrition that they provided 70 years ago (before the introduction of chemical fertilizers after WWII.). This in itself is an interesting story, too long to tell here. But it bears merit for further study on your part. Lets fix you diabetes first!






Dr. William R. Kellas, MD is author of the book Surviving in a Toxic World. He says that your pH level plays an important part in ridding your body of mercury and other harmful metals.


Heavy metals such as mercury harm your body through oxidative stress that in turn leads to higher acidity. Alzheimer’s disease, among others, is believed caused by mercury poisoning in the body. Dr. Kellas provides pH test strips to his patients so they can measure and track their pH as they detoxify. We will explain how you can do this later in the book.


As you begin to de-acidify your body, you may experience a variety of detoxification symptoms such as headaches, body pains and aches, stiffness, itching, etc. These signs are often referred to as a “healing crisis” and they are your body’s way of telling you that it is being changed (for the better).






Chapter 5: Is Your Fat Saving Your Life?

Many of us suffer the pains and arrows of outrageous fortune due to obesity. Yes. Fat is a major problem in today’s world. But it is not just that we eat too much or that we eat the wrong foods. Believe it or not, overacidity in our bodies also causes us to be fat. This explains why many of us (myself included) do not respond satisfactorily to diet and exercise. We fast and work out, and the fat still doesn’t come off.


What gives?

Our bodies actually resist giving up the fat because the fat is actually saving our lives. Is this a wild statement or what?


Why Our Bodies Cling To Their Fat

Dr. Lynda Frassetto, MD, from the University of California has researched this matter. She believes that humans, in evolutionary terms, have changed. Once upon a time, our bodies used to break down food and dispose of the acid waste with our kidneys and livers.


But now, because of the sheer amount of acid waste the average American produces, she sees our inner bodies being turned into a war zone, where our body is fighting to protect its most strategic reserves --- our kidney and liver -- from total degradation and failure.


One of the ways that our body does this is by finding somewhere else to store the body waste products (including crystallized uric acid). Many times this somewhere else is the fatty deposits.


So, as far as your body is concerned, you fat is important to it because it has your waste toxins stored there.


You exercise and diet in order to make your fat go away. But your body says to itself, “I need that Fat. That is my warehouse for stored toxins.” So it holds onto the fat. It resists losing weight. And you get frustrated because you remain fat because you do not understand the real problem.


The real problem is overacidity in your body. We seem a bit redundant here, don’t we?


But it is important for you to appreciate this wisdom and knowledge. In actuality, your body thinks that it is saving your life by clinging onto that fat!






An Evolutionary Change

(Author’s Note) Some of this info provided by Dr. Frassetto below repeats information that we have already covered. But a bit of redundancy here may be in order, as this information is so darn important!


To prove this theory, Dr. Frassetto studied 1000 people and discovered that we are indeed stockpiling acid waste in our fatty deposits instead of eliminating it with our kidneys and liver. Cholesterol and crystallized uric acid are solidified acids that have been dumped within the body for later disposal, which never comes. Our bodies have made the choice to preserve our kidney and liver instead of processing the acid waste. The cost is tremendous -- obesity, low energy, and many acid related diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, pain, and much more.


When our bodies are excessively acidic, they borrow essential minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium from our vital organs and bones to buffer or neutralize the acid. The result is our bodies suffer from prolonged degradation or corrosion, which manifests into these dehabilitating conditions and pains.


The reason is simple -- the average American diet contains way too much acid. Diet coke and other soda is probably the most acidic food people consume at a pH of 2.5. Beer and meat are at 3.5, then there’s dairy, white pasta, most water, wine, hard alcohol, nuts and butters, beans, oils -- all acidic foods. All produce acid waste in our bodies that they can‘t handle. Dr. Robert O.


Young agrees with Dr. Frassetto's theory. Sugar is an acid and she sees Westerners consumption of sugar as the reason why so many are overweight. The body has to protect itself from the excess sugar, so it creates fat to encase the acid. “Fat,” she says. “Is saving our lives.”


Then there’s the problem of disease. The stomach works by producing acid to break down food. Whenever this acid is made, alkaline buffers are also created and sent through our blood stream, naturally alkalizing our body. A healthy balanced body has alkaline reserves to battle diseases, infections, and viruses. But if excessive acid must be continuously neutralized or stored, our alkaline reserves will be depleted, leaving our bodies weakened and disease prone.





Acid and Stress


Dr. Frassetto says that acid comes from three sources -- food, pollution, and stress. Of these three, stress is the greatest problem. One shot of adrenaline can neutralize and acidify an alkaline diet. So stress management as well as diet management is essential to maintaining an alkaline body that is free of pain.


She says that the worst case scenario in which many Westerners fit into is where we work 40-50 hour stressful weeks with hardly any breaks to calm ourselves down. We consume fast food and coffee for quick bursts of artificial energy to just get through our workday. Then we come home to family stresses, household chores, bills, and more and never really relax and give our bodies a chance to neutralize all the acid we produced through stress and from eating very acidic


foods. So acid in our bodies build up until we begin to show symptoms -- digestive problems, headaches, overweight, bone pains, elimination issues, muscle tension and pain, heart problems, high blood pressure, and more. We spend our lives giving ourselves to our jobs and families and never take the time to nourish our bodies, mind, and soul.






More Effects of Acid on our Body


Dr. Frassetto also says that acidity is like rust. Our veins and arteries are corroded by acid. If nothing is done, acid interrupts all cellular activities and functions -- from our beating heart to the way we think.  Blood also can’t flow around fatty acids so capillaries clog up and die. Our skin begins to wrinkle and isn’t as stretchy. Pains develop. Even if you put out the money for a face-lift or liposuction, the acid still remains and will do damage. As for our lungs and other organs, all are involved in the maintenance of correct blood pH so if all have to work harder to deal with excessive acid, all will stop functioning a whole lot sooner than we want them to.


Did you know that if any substance changes from a 7 to an 8 pH, it has become ten times more alkaline? The opposite is also true, if it changes from a 7 pH to a 6, it has become ten times more acidic.






Chapter 6: Lets Talk About Our Solution


My Epiphany

Well, I have previously explained that diabetes had begun to cripple my friend. And arthritis was beginning to cripple me. My aching knees were keeping me awake at night. My doctor had even suggested knee replacement surgery (ouch!). This forced me out of desperation to begin my own research on arthritis, along with research on my friend’s diabetes. I had previously beaten cancer by discovering my own alternative remedy, so I was determined to do the same thing for my friend’s diabetes and my arthritis.


The Internet is a great research tool. Google led me to read about the acidity-diabetes connection. Amazon.com led me to great books about this subject. Authors such as Drs. Young, Baroody and Frassetto are pioneers in revealing the medical truths that have been touched lightly upon here in this booklet.


Then one morning, in my “quiet time” I strangely enough wandered back in my mind to a chemistry class that I had some 45 years ago. My chemistry professor had just written on the blackboard, “An acid plus a base makes a salt.”


Could this be it? So simple! Our bodies have too much acid. If we ingest a base (baking soda, known as sodium hydroxide, jumped to mind) would it react with some of the acid in our body to make a salt, a salt that the body could easily expel? Wow. What an interesting idea.


So we began daily eating about 8,000 mg (a small teaspoonful) of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda. I bought it at the grocery store. We mixed it with water. It tasted yucky. Within a month we began to see results. Within three months we both began to see strong results. My pain was gone. My friend’s health rebounded. Later we had a chemist put the baking soda in capsules. That tasted much better. No more yucky taste.


So now, even though my arthritis and his diabetes have gone bye-bye, we still take my capsules daily. I test my pH weekly, keeping it always above 6.6 or 6.7. Usually it tests out at about 7.0. And I feel twenty years younger.


Further research led us to understand that there are cell salts that also correct diabetes and arthritis. So we added them to the formulas, along with some special herbs that also are remedies for a arthritis and diabetes. We have shared our information freely. And now others have decided to market our diabetes remedy to the world. For further information about how to obtain this product please go to the






How Will You Know That It Is Working?

I previously mentioned that there are test strips that you can use to test your body’s pH. Remember litmus paper in high school chemistry? It is very similar.


Shown is a typical test kit that you can buy. I buy mine off the Internet. The test kit shown is found on www.microessentiallab.com. It is Catalog # 067, Hydrion Single Roll pH Paper and sells for $7.50. I test my saliva in the morning before I have brushed my teeth or eaten anything.






How To Test For Your pH

Saliva pH is controlled by your diet and the amount of vitamins and minerals you have in your body. Lower saliva pH is a good indicator that the body is too acidic.  Saliva pH over 7.0 is a good indicator that you are in excellent health. This simple test is a good general way to measure the level of your acidity.


The benefits of saliva pH testing are that it is simple, inexpensive, and the patient has control over monitoring their path back to good health. Saliva pH has been used by physicians for decades as a general indicator of your body’s health, as well as the specific check we seek for treatment of rheumatoid and other types of diabetes. 

Recent research has linked low saliva pH to numerous leading diseases. Saliva pH is usually measured from 5-9, the lower your score the more acidic and the more likely to have health problems. Your ideal saliva pH level should be between 7.0-7.4, this is either 1st thing in the morning or an hour after any food or fluid intake. T


he good news is that you can monitor and improve your health without costly medications or doctor visits. You can improve your saliva pH by improving the foods you eat and the nutritional supplements you take. Then you can say goodbye to pain and diabetes symptoms.






To Order This Diabetes Remedy Go To:  www.nhe.net/diabetestype12treatment




Edgar Cayce Information On Acidity
Some of this information is taken from the Meridian Institute Website .www.meridianinstitute.com

This background data is provided to assist you to understand the pain relief that is available for diabetes, and other diseases, pain relief, and their symptoms.







Edgar Cayce consistently emphasized the importance of maintaining a proper acid/alkaline balance in the body.  Commonly referred to as "pH" (potential for hydrogen), the acid/alkaline continuum ranges from 0 - 14 with 7 as neutral.  The lower end of the scale (below 7) is acid and above 7 is alkaline. Generally speaking, the Cayce readings maintain that a balanced pH with a slight alkaline tendency would be beneficial for most individuals.


Edgar Cayce noted that high systemic acidity either causes or contributes to many health problems.  The items on Scale 5 are based on 133 readings which mention "superacidity" as an etiological factor.  High systemic acidity (Scale 5) is often caused by eating a diet containing too much acid producing foods such as sweets and meats.  Stress is another factor which can increase acidity.  Improper food combinations (such as eating grains and citrus at the same meal) can result in high acidity.


Alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat and sweets and more vegetables and fruits.  Although eating fruit to increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving an alkaline residue (ash).  Thus the net effect is alkaline-producing within the system.  For most individuals, Cayce noted that  "a normal diet is about twenty percent acid to eighty percent alkaline-producing."   Appendix F contains an acid/alkaline table that lists the PH of common foods.


According to Cayce, numerous factors can increase acidity (and pain) including negative emotional states, inadequate mastication of food, and poor eliminations.  Perhaps the most common factor cited by Cayce is diet.  Eating acid-producing foods or combining foods improperly (even akaline-producing foods) is said to lead to hyperacidity, even to "superacidity" in some instances.


Cayce sometimes observed that infectious agents (such as virus and bacteria) do not thrive in an alkaline environment: "cold CANNOT - DOES NOT - exist in alkalines." Thus, consuming alkaline-producing foods (such as orange juice and lemon juice) was recommended to prevent colds.


The antimicrobial influence of alkalinity  is supported by research on goldenseal, a well-known antibacterial herb.  Berberine sulfate, the most active antibacterial alkaloid in goldenseal, is more effective in an alkaline than an acid environment.  At a pH of 8.0 (alkaline), its antimicrobial activity in vitro is about 2 to 4 times greater than at 7.0 (neutral).  At an acid pH of 6.0, the antimicrobial activity is only 1/4 as strong as at a neutral pH.


Acid/alkaline balance is extremely important to normal physiology.  For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45.  Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. 


The management of the pH factor is so important that the body has developed strict accounting procedures to monitor acid-alkaline balances in every cell and system.  The fundamental regulatory systems of the body (including breathing, circulation, elimination, etc.) affect pH balance.


Edgar Cayce insisted that acid/alkaline balance could be easily checked.  Numerous readings encourage the measurement of pH balance in saliva and urine as an objective means of monitoring this crucial aspect of physiology.


Author’s note: Edgar Cayce, in some of his readings, actually recommended consuming baking soda as a diabetes remedy. So he beat me to my discovery. But I don’t mind!











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